I have always said that exceptional leadership is the MOST important factor in creating a successful business. Leadership is a skill that you may have naturally or you may have to learn, but it is always a skill that you can hone. I have put together a 4 part video series on the leadership skills that every fitness business owner/manager…
Going Outside With Clients? Play It Safe.
It is that time of year when many personal trainers and group exercise instructors start taking their clients outside for workouts. Clients love getting the fresh air and trainers can keep things interesting with TONS of new exercises and adventures in the great outdoors. We have a couple protocols when it comes to bringing clients…
A Clear Vision: Does Your Fit Business Have One?
In previous blog posts I have walked you through how to truly be prepared to run and market a successful business. We have reviewed how to ensure you know your clients, know your competition, know your businessand know yourself. Once you know all of these aspects of your business you are ready to establish a mission statement, vision and motto….
Is Your Fitness Business Making This Mistake?
In all of our conversations and consultations with fitness business owners…one of the most common mistakes we notice is that business systems are not automated and centralized. Too many Personal Trainers and Personal Training departments and businesses continue to use a manual scheduling process. This leads to various scheduling errors, frustrations, ineffective communication processes and…
Building a Successful Group Training Schedule
Building a successful group training schedule can be a daunting task. There are many factors to take into consideration and sometimes it is difficult to know where to start! We revamp our group training schedule 3 times per year. These changes coincide with the client surveys that we conduct 3 times per year (scheduled into…
On Floor Trainer Reviews
One of the tasks that is included in our yearly marketing plan each year is for our Fitness & Training Director to schedule on floor trainer reviews with each of our personal trainers. If you haven’t included this in your yearly marketing plan it isn’t too late! Remember, your clients expect the very best…
Personal Trainer Vacations & Paid Time Off
We recently requested that our trainers send in their vacation requests for the year. This is to ensure that we don’t have too many trainers gone at the same time and so that we can prepare for the absence of trainers. Our general rule is to not allow more than 2 trainers to be absent at…
Peer Reviews…They Work!
As part of our yearly marketing plan we schedule monthly staff accountability tasks. Some examples might be sending client shoppers in to see how our trainers do with an initial assessment, or a manager picks random client files to audit to make sure client files are being taken care of correctly or having trainers conduct…
How Much Should I Pay My Trainers?
I get asked this question quite often. I have found that is best for business owners and managers to ask themselves a series of questions and weigh the different options, but it is difficult to know where to start right? I am here to help! Here are a couple points to consider: Do you have…
Overcoming Obstacles & Excuses – Week 4
Here we are at week 4 of our 5 week series on Overcoming Obstacles & Excuses. Remember, knowing how to get your clients or potential clients past these road blocks will keep them coming back for more. It is your job to ensure that they stick to the plan! My knees hurt so I can’t…