Tag: Business Success

Rally Your Team – Find Business Success!

It is the unfortunate truth that many small businesses fail and so many times before they have even had a chance to start! The fitness industry is no exception. Throughout my years of consulting….I have found that a lack of leadership can be one of the main reasons that fitness businesses struggle. Whether or not…

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A Clear Vision: Does Your Fit Business Have One?

In previous blog posts I have walked you through how to truly be prepared to run and market a successful business. We have reviewed how to ensure you know your clients, know your competition, know your businessand know yourself. Once you know all of these aspects of your business you are ready to establish a mission statement, vision and motto….

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Successful Program Design Based on Motivation

The reality that is you could have one client scenario and twenty different trainers would come up with twenty different workout programs. There are so many variables to manipulate that the chances of two trainers designing the same program is next to impossible. So which program is right? Many different types of programs can lead…

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Personal Training Contest – Get Testimonials

We all know that positive testimonials from our clients are extremely useful when marketing our fitness businesses. But, how do you get clients to tell the world about their successes? Try running this super easy and fun contest to get clients to tell you all about their inspiring stories! This contest also works to get…

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2016 Fitness Business Pep Rally

Here’s some tips to ensure you set the stage for an incredible 2016.  Think of this as a 2016 Fitness Business Pep Rally! Share with your team…. Be at Your Best: Well, as a fitness professional, we expect that year-round, right?! But it’s even more important in the beginning of the year. You can’t afford…

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