Tag: Business Success

Revenue with Running Programs Part 11 – Race Day

If your clients are like mine….more and more of them are signing up for running events. This trend is not only wonderful for your clients’ and their health….it can also be an easy way for you to earn extra revenue with a running program! Check out how we operate our running program, set up your own and…

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Weight Loss Challenge – Week 3

There are a lot of different ways to achieve the same results.  That’s why during our annual Spring Makeover Challenge, our trainers and their teams compete against each other to see who can shed the greatest amount of body fat in 6 weeks using different approaches. So far in this series, I’ve shared with you 2…

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Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 1

In the colder climates, it is common over the winter months to gain a little weight. The days are shorter, it’s cold outside and we just don’t get as much activity and access to local healthy fruits and vegetables.  It’s one of the reasons that every spring we launch our annual Spring Makeover Challenge to help our…

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Latest & Greatest Fitness Tips Hot Off the Press – First of 2 Part Series

Hey Fit Pros, I recently attended the International Personal Training Summit in Seattle and wanted to share with you some of the highlights from the event in case you weren’t able to be there…. Dr. Len Kravitz on Exercise Conditioning: The biggest difference been sedentary couch potatoes who were lean or those obese was not…

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How We Generate $20k In Revenue Every Spring

If you have been following my blog for awhile you may be familiar with our most successful “extra” revenue generating program of the year. It is our Spring Makeover Challenge! We generate about $20k in extra revenue with this program every spring. I like to remind fit pros of these types of programs and let…

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Mix It Up For Clients & Get Serious Attention!

In today’s world of fast paced life, social media and 100 ways to distract your clients and potential clients….it is essential that you are always thinking about how to mix up what you do for your clients and to find ways to get serious attention. Well, that is just what I did on Monday and…

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Opportunities To Improve Your Fitness Business!

OK fit pros. We have so many really cool things going on in our Fitness Education Department right now that I just HAD to share them all with you in this week’s blog post. I want to make sure all of our fit pro followers know about the inexpensive and really cool opportunities we are…

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