We are currently preparing for our annual Spring Makeover/Weight Loss Challenge. This is our biggest “extra” revenue generating program of the year. We generate about $20k in extra revenue with this program every spring. We normally start the Spring Makeover Challenge in mid April. That means we need to get everything prepared with our personal…
Bring In New Clients This Spring
Fit Pros, your beginning of the year rush is probably starting to slow down. You may be looking for ways to bring in new clients and ways to keep your current clients engaged with your business. One way we keep clients heading through the doors is to run a weight loss challenge. If running a…
Engage Clients With Clinics, Events & Adventures
We always have lots of fun events, adventures and clinics for our clients to sign up for. Some of them are free clinics and some are events and adventures that our clients pay for. All of these events keep our clients active, happy and engaged in our business. They also bring in new clients and potential…
Give Clients Body Positivity
Do you have clients who believe that they will be happy once they lose weight? If so, they will never be skinny enough to be happy. It’s a vicious cycle and it never ends. Let’s help our clients learn to love the body they have….as it is right now, not tomorrow or next month or…
We Are Going to Celebrate – Are You?
Northwest Personal Training is 21 years old and we are going to celebrate! Our celebration won’t look the same as our past anniversaries, but we have some safe and fun activities planned for our staff and clients. Do you have something to celebrate with your fitness community? Now, more than ever, we could all use…
Fitness Businesses Need to Act Quickly
We recently learned (despite much effort on our part) that fitness facilities in Washington state must close again. I know that many fitness facilities across the country are facing similar shut downs. We are extremely disappointed, but we have to work with what we have and move forward. I gave these words of encouragement and…
6 Ways to Keep Clients Motivated
Gyms, yoga studios and pools are closed or slowly reopening. Running and Triathlon races cancelled. It is easy to understand why clients may start to lose their motivation to workout. As fitness professionals, we all know that the key to maintaining a commitment is to remember the ‘WHY’. Ask your clients …Why do you work…
Exercise Tools Clients Have At Home
Since our training studio has been closed for nearly a month due to COVID-19, I’ve been teaching a lot of virtual online classes and training sessions. It has definitely proven that you can train clients remotely! There are literally hundreds of muscle and cardio exercises you can walk your clients through with absolutely no equipment whatsoever. Their…
Help Clients Reduce Stress With Exercise
People are very stressed out right now with the Coronovirus pandemic. People are worried about getting sick and/or infecting someone else. In addition, your fitness business is likely struggling to figure out how to offset the massive losses in revenues . You probably have employees wondering how they are going to pay the bills if…
Take Group Training Virtual!
Fitness Professionals across the globe are scrambling to keep their businesses afloat while so many are staying home. The good news is that you can go virtual and your clients will thank you! We have decided to use Facebook Live as it seems to be the simplest way to be live AND allow clients to…