Tag: get more clients

Increase Personal Training Profits For FREE

If you have been following my blog then you know that we love to show you tons of ways to increase personal training profits and now we are giving away ALL of our secrets  for FREE!  That’s right…we are giving away 1 free copy of our Business of Personal Training System!  Keep reading to find…

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Complimentary PT Session: Close The Sale

Over the last month I have blogged about the importance of building relationships with potential new clients in order to get their commitment, the importance of focusing on booking complimentary sessions and how to get those complimentary sessions booked over the phone.  You have the info you need…right?  You are close!  Now you just need to know how to…

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Booking First Session Over the Phone

  So we have talked about why building a relationship with a potential new client is the best way to get a client to sign up for your services and great ways to market for more comp sessions, but we need to take a step back!  The first step to having a successful comp session…

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Personal Training is Affordable!

Happy New Year Fit Pros and welcome to our busiest time of year.  If you have planned and executed your advertising correctly…you should be seeing TONS of potential new clients walk through your doors.  When you sit down to discuss how these potential new clients will work with you it is likely that you will…

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Holiday Cards For Clients

Do you send out holiday cards to your clients around this time every year?  It is a great idea, but it can cost quite a bit.  I am going to tell you what we do get the biggest bang for our buck when it comes to sending holiday cards to our clients. We create our…

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Marketing Tip: Free, Fun & Simple

This is a marketing tip that is free, fun, simple and it is something we do every year. Here is how it works… We make it a priority to take LOTS of pictures at all of the events we participate in and host throughout the year (Everything from rock climbing to racing events to hiking…

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First Session Success – Top Tips

One of the most common sales questions we receive from fitness professionals is “how (with all of the different trainers and their different styles) do all of  your trainers use the same sales system to sign up 80% or more of the prospective clients they have first sessions with?“ The answer is pretty simple!  You…

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