The American College of Medicine recently released a report of the Top New Fitness Trends for 2019. Do you offer these options for your clients/members? Our clients are looking for variety, quality and accountability. Keep things interesting and they will keep coming back for more….
Keep The Clients You Have
Last week we discussed the importance of reaching productivity goals and we gave you lots of ideas on how to do that. This week I would like to give you THE BEST way to hit productivity goals and keep the clients you have. Remember, here at Northwest Personal Training we ask our trainers to have…
4 Reasons YOU Should Teach Group Training
Group Training sounds like a smart idea on paper, but how do you structure programs and sessions for a group of people with all different fitness levels, needs and goals? And what results can clients expect with only 1/3 to 1/4 of the attention they would normally get from a private trainer? Although programming for…
Barefoot Clients? Recommend This…..
Barefoot running has become very popular. Do you have clients that have tried it? Do you recommend barefoot running? While I believe in the importance of strengthening our feet and letting our toes spread out like they were designed to do…we have to be careful when recommending that our clients start running “barefoot.” The bottom line…
Get More Clients – Get Them Ready For Summer
Fit pros! This is the time of year your clients start thinking about getting in shape for summer and often get a boost of energy with the longer days so…that means NOW is an amazing time to reach out to your clients who haven’t been in for a while and to all of your other…
Strong Retention From Simple Actions
As fitness business managers and owners we know that having a solid internal marketing strategy in place (including a solid referral program) is one of the best ways to keep our current clients engaged, coming back for more and sending their friends and family our way. Last week we talked about how hosting events and adventures can keep your current clients…
Host Events: Get & Keep More Clients
We always have lots of fun events, adventures and clinics for our clients to sign up for. Some of them are free clinics and some are events and adventures that our clients pay for. All of these events keep our clients active, happy and engaged in our business. They also bring in new clients and potential…
Are You Seeing This?
Are you seeing this? It is about this time in January when a lot of fit pros start to see clients (despite our best efforts) lose their resolve and start slipping back into old routines. Try sending them this info or at least talking them through these points. These simple actions can mean the difference…
Clients Ask. What is The Best Exercise?
I am sure you have clients that have asked….”what is the best exercise?” Or they may ask……. ….Is High Intensity Training the way to go? Or is Long, Slow Distance Training better? What cardio exercise brings the best results – is it cycling, rowing, running or something else? What muscle conditioning workouts enhance overall fitness…
Are Your Clients Fat AND Fit?
We all have clients that tend to carry extra body fat, but we know these same clients have been working hard and are fit. I recently wrote a blog post for our clients on this very topic! Please share this information with your clients…. “Are you carrying a lot of extra body fat? Although our…