Monthly Reviews & Audits – Plan For Success

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Northwest Personal Training is know for our World Class Personal Trainers, exceptional customer service and for helping people live their lives to the fullest. In order to do that, we need to continually review and audit all aspects of our business. Our yearly marketing plan outlines a different review/audit that our managers conduct each month.

Examples of Reviews We Have Conducted This Year

How to Conduct On-Floor Reviews
Try Role Play Reviews – Get Consistency and Quality

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Up This Month

Client Performance Assessments

May is the closing of the first quarter of the year and, therefore, a great time to ask your clients about their goals and what they want to achieve within the next 3 months. Our Personal Trainers will be discussing goals with clients and conducting performance assessments this month.

Try scheduling a few dedicated times per year when trainers update and record all client performance assessments. This is a win/win for everyone. It shows your clients that you are tracking their progress and it helps ensure your clients are hitting their goals.

Client File Audits

The process of subbing for another trainer should be seamless for the client and the trainer. The only way to accomplish this is with accurate and up to date client files. Whether you record client progress and info digitally or manually, client files need to be accurate and up to date. It is easy to fall out of the habit of keeping up with client files, so try scheduling client file audits at least once a year as a reminder to keep up with this essential process.

Our Personal Training Manager will schedule time with each trainer this month to review their files. She will be checking to ensure workouts are being recorded and that assessments have been logged. We expect to see a minimum of 1 updated workout per month per client.

Remember to give your staff a heads up before any review or assessment. It is best that they know what to expect and can be prepared.

We are proud to be known for having award-winning personal trainers, exceptional customer service and for helping people live their lives to the fullest….and we want to keep it that way. We are constantly checking that our standards are being met and that our clients are achieving results. Conducting regular client assessments and file reviews are just some of the actions we take to ensure that our clients are getting the very best!

Do all of your personal trainers use the same standardized client assessment?

If your answer is “no”…. you NEED a standardized client assessment protocol. Don’t know where to start? Good news. You can use the standardized client assessment protocol that I have created. Using the corporate manual I created for Northwest Personal Training …. I designed a fitness business system to help you run an organized and successful fitness business. This includes the standardized client assessment protocol and all the forms/systems you need.

DON’T REINVENT THE WHEEL! Let us give YOU the systems that we know work!

The fee to purchase the Business of Personal Training System can be made up within 1 month of increased PT sales and there are NO recurring franchise or licensing fees. A comparable business system in other industries would require an initial investment of tens of thousands of dollars.


Email with questions or to request a demo.

Yours in health, fitness & business,
Sherri McMillan

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