Category: Sales

Why Should I Hire YOU?

As personal trainers and fitness business owners/managers it is important to be able to answer the question most potential clients will ask: Why should I hire YOU? The first step is being able to easily explain how hiring a personal trainer can help your potential new client reach his/her goals: You will provide efficiency and…

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Complimentary PT Session: Close The Sale

Over the last month I have blogged about the importance of building relationships with potential new clients in order to get their commitment, the importance of focusing on booking complimentary sessions and how to get those complimentary sessions booked over the phone.  You have the info you need…right?  You are close!  Now you just need to know how to…

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Booking First Session Over the Phone

  So we have talked about why building a relationship with a potential new client is the best way to get a client to sign up for your services and great ways to market for more comp sessions, but we need to take a step back!  The first step to having a successful comp session…

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Overcoming Obstacles & Excuses – Week 5

We have made it through the majority of the excuses that your clients will try to use to get out of training with you. After reading these last two scenarios you will be armed with what you need to help your clients overcome these obstacles.  Pretty soon your clients won’t even try to get out of workouts…

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Overcoming Obstacles & Excuses – Week 4

Here we are at week 4 of our 5 week series on Overcoming Obstacles & Excuses. Remember, knowing how to get your clients or potential clients past these road blocks will keep them coming back for more.  It is your job to ensure that they stick to the plan! My knees hurt so I can’t…

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Overcoming Obstacles And Excuses – Week 3

I know that you have heard these excuses from your clients before.  Read this week’s addition to my series on helping your clients overcome obstacles and excuses. Getting your clients past these excuses can be the key to getting them to invest in your services! I Hate exercise In the beginning, exercise may feel like…

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