Category: assessment

Peer Reviews – Are Your Standards Being Met?

June is Peer Review Month Here at NWPT! On floor Peer Reviews should be included in your yearly marketing plan. Remember, your clients expect the very best from you and your team. Spending time reviewing each of your personal trainers (rookies and experienced trainers) helps the them hone in on what is expected of them…

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How to Conduct On-Floor Reviews

Here at Northwest Personal Training, we conduct yearly on-floor reviews with our trainers and group instructors. These on-floor reviews help ensure that our clients are progressing like we would like them to and allow us to identify areas where our personal trainers and group instructors can improve. Conducting On-Floor Reviews of Personal Trainers and Group…

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Effective Initial Fitness Assessment

There are many ways to conduct initial fitness assessments with a new client. Here at Northwest Personal Training, we have an initial fitness assessment protocol that is efficient, effective and consistent. This protocol incorporates the tests we need to create programming that works and that our clients love. Points to Consider When Creating a Initial…

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