Time For a Fall Promotion

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Clients are getting back from summer holidays, their kids are back in school and guess what? Many are ready to get back into their fitness routine! So, that means it’s time for you to get busy!

What are you doing to entice people back or into your program?

Are you offering some type of promotion or “Fall back into Fitness” special? If you’re not, you should and there is still time! Everyone appreciates a deal.

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People are ready right now so, encourage them to take action immediately with an exciting promotion.

Decide what you are going to promote this fall and….

Offer a good discount that allows you to still make a profit

Post it on fliers in your studio and around your community

Post on your website, facebook and other social media outlets

Email out to your database

Then watch as you inspire many people to commit to their health and fitness while you enjoy a boost to your fall sales.

Want some inspiration? Here is the program we are running this fall:


Now is the time to start promoting your Fall Promotion!

Yours in health, fitness & business,
Sherri McMillan

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