Press Releases Still Work!

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If your like most fitness facilities…you don’t have a large advertising budget. We get that and press releases are one of the ways we try to drum up free advertising. There is work involved, but it is worth it.

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Press Releases

Create a List of Key Local Media Contacts

Develop a list of key local media contacts in your area including print, radio and TV – this will take some time.

Go to radio show, TV, newspaper and magazine websites and clicking on the “contact us” section.

Record all of the publishers, producers etc. email addresses, addresses and fax numbers.

Then use this list for the the next step.

Get Their Attention With Tempting Health and Fitness Information

Try telling them something like…“I was just at IDEA, The International Health and Fitness Conference and I learned some of the most incredible exercises for the abdominals. It’s stuff you’ve never seen before. Call me if you’d like to hear more about it”

Offer a human interest story about one of your clients and their success- with their approval of course.

Tell them about a free upcoming boot camp you will be hosting and ask them to join.

Send Out Regular Press Releases

Send out weekly or bi monthly press releases via email. This will help develop relationships with your local media contacts and hopefully you will get some form of advertising out of it.

Mark your calendar or assign this task to a staff member.

Of course each time they run your idea, you are mentioned as the Health and Fitness expert and make sure to ask that your business and your number to be listed so people can contact you if they have further questions.

Get Rewarded

A local TV newscaster recently invited us to conduct a workout during their morning news segment. The more you are top of mind with local businesses…the more likely you will be to get opportunities like this one.

This could easily happen for your and your fitness facility!

Yours in Health, Fitness & Business,
Sherri McMillan

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