8 Summer Fitness Program Ideas

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Fit Pros, summer is here and it is time to start marketing and/or planning your summer fitness programs.

8 Summer Fitness Program Ideas

1 – Outdoor Hikes

Plan 1 or 2 invigorating hikes, exploring scenic trails and challenging fitness levels amidst the beauty of nature.

2 – Summer Nutrition Series

A comprehensive series on nutrition tips and strategies to help your clients make the most of their summer wellness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3 – “Get Shredded” Team Training Series

A dynamic 6-week program designed to help participants achieve their desired physique through intensive workouts and targeted exercises.

4 – Couch to 5K Series

Guiding and supporting individuals on their journey from being sedentary to completing their first 5K race, combining running and gradual endurance training.

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5 – “Mobility & More” Team Training Series

A 6-week program focusing on enhancing mobility, flexibility, and overall functional movement to improve performance and prevent injuries.

6 – Postpartum Series

An 8-week specialized program tailored for postpartum individuals, incorporating gentle exercises, core strengthening, and overall recovery to regain strength and confidence.

7 – Outdoor Cycling 101 Series

A 6-week series aimed at introducing beginners to the world of outdoor cycling, covering basic techniques, safety guidelines, and confidence-building rides.

8 – Collaborative Programs

Have two trainers run a program together. This could be a fun and engaging way to combine your expertise, creating a unique and dynamic experience for your clients.

Yours in health, fitness & business,
Sherri McMillan

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