Books & Manuals

Fitness Results Manual – Updated in 2021!

The Ultimate Guide to Fitness Success!

The Manual That Makes Money and Gets the Client Results!

The Fitness Results Manual creates the “Triple Win:”

Win #1: Allows the PT studio and gym owner to make a lot more money by making more sales and making each sale worth more!
Win #2: Helps the personal trainer and life coach to obtain new clientele, to stay on track and consistently deliver on their promises and to keep the clients they’ve got coming back!
Win #3: Clients get the results they paid & asked for!

What is the Fitness Results Manual?

  • The Fitness Results Manual was created and specifically designed as a highly effective guide to provide the training client or gym member a customizable step by step approach to achieve fitness success.
  • This guide to fitness success addresses the very foundation of success; “The Why Factor”; The “why” a client will commit and then “do” (take action) is the key to obtaining and having the mind set that will lead to a client actually taking action on a particular goal.
  • Next, this well written guide to success teaches “The How To Factor”; How to apply the client’s newly found inspiration and motivation in a personalized way that honors them as whole person (Goals, schedule, life commitments, physical and mental strengths and weaknesses, etc.
    The manual then coaches the client on how to gain the momentum to get results and develop the staying power to maintain the results they’ve achieved.
  • Most importantly, the manual allows the training or coaching business to be positioned as the expert and life coach.

ONLY $499!

We will give you the printing rights to reproduce this Fitness Results Manual with your business brand on the cover and allow you to sell this manual in your business to as many people as you want and for as much as you want. (MSRP between $20-$99)

Go For Fit – The Winning Way to Fat Loss

This interactive workbook will provide you with numerous questionnaires, assessment forms, homework assignments, drills and nutrition and activity logs to help you help your client achieve their fat loss goals. This book will provide you with everything you need to know to understand fully the psychology and physiology of fat loss. Award-winning personal trainer Sherri McMillan offers separate sections that deal with:

  • The psychology of Fat Loss
  • Tips on Nutrition
  • Behavioral and lifestyle changes required to make a lasting difference
  • Cardiovascular exercise and resistance training designed to keep fat off
  • Throughout this helpful book, chock-full of options, Sherri’s upbeat, positive words of encouragement will help you inspire your clients to attain the fitness level they desire.

Price: $15.95 US

“Sherri has a real knack for taking cumbersome concepts and breaking them down into understandable chunks of information. She does a tremendous job of educating everyday people about the importance of healthy living by giving them real life solutions to common wellness challenges. Her sense of humor and down to earth sincerity make her a top fitness educator and author, for both fitness professionals and the consumer.”

Sharon Donaldson – Association Director, CanFitPro

“Sherri’s experience and knowledge as a fitness trainer is extensive. She combines a good, solid common-sense approach with scientific knowledge and proven principles of exercise. Her understanding of how to motivate people has really helped me to achieve and maintain my health goals.”

Rick Hansen – Man in Motion

“Go For Fit is the first honest, realistic book on achieving the quality of life we all seek. Sherri gives us gold medal tools to reach our comfortable fitness levels and feel good about ourselves. She is our mentor-coach; we become our own personal trainer. It’s a winning formula!”

Doug and Diane Clement, MD – Canadian Olympic Athletes

“Sherri is creative, energetic and inspirational. In additional to all the positive and practical things you will get from reading this book, you will learn that life is meant to be enjoyed. Sherri has an appreciation of life that is infectious!”

Maureen Hagan – National Director of Fitness, The GoodLife Fitness Clubs

“Sherri is a leader in the personal training field and a worthy recipient of IDEA’s first Personal Trainer of the Year Award.”

Kathie Davis – Executive Director, IDEA: The Health & Fitness Source

Fit over Forty – The Winning Way to Lifetime Fitness

Do your clients complain that the instant they turned 40, their body changed? Read this engaging book to shed some light on the variables that influence an individual as they age and what we can do in our program design to help reverse or manage many of these changes better.

Written by an award-winning personal trainer, Sherri McMillan, this results-minded guide shows simple ways to maintain youthfulness, health, and vigor. From body fat and bone density to sleep patterns and memory function, McMillan covers the wide range of changes associated with aging, identifying which can be slowed or even reversed through cardiovascular and muscle conditioning as well as good nutrition, relaxation and stress management. Fit Over Forty reveals the top ten strategies for fighting the aging process and offers readers a complete program of diet and exercise routines that can be followed on a weekly or monthly basis that will develop a lifetime of fitness. Over 100 illustrations, tables, and worksheets are included.

Price: $15.95 US


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