Keynote Presentations

Achieving Your Personal Best

Are you doing everything you can to achieve your true potential in all realms of your life? Do you really know what you want and how you’re going to get it? And are you clear regarding what it takes to truly achieve your Personal Best in everything you do. Join Sherri McMillan, International Personal Trainer of the Year award winner, as she shares personal and career stories that have taught her various life lessons. The bottom line is that overall fitness is not just physical but encompasses physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Come and revisit the steps to achieving the balance that we all strive for.

This is a 1-2 hour keynote presentation.
Equipment Needs: Data projector and screen, iPod hook-up, Wireless, Head-set mic


Excellence Through Education

Ben Franklin once said “Empty the pennies from your purse into your mind and your mind will fill your purse with dollars and keep it full forever.” But education comes in many forms – the key is knowing when the opportunity to grow and develop presents itself to you so you can face it head on versus shy away. Come and discuss how you can maximize your learning potential and through it become wildly successful at anything you do.

This is a 1-2 hour keynote presentation.
Equipment Needs: Data projector and screen, iPod hook-up, Wireless, Head-set mic


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