Exercise & Nutrition Science Lectures

Fit for Two

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting, fun, and frightening times in a woman’s life. Women want to make sure they are fit enough and healthy for the pregnancy and labor but also are fearful of overdoing it. They question what’s too much, too little, and what modifications need to be made. In this session, you’ll learn the latest scientific information on exercise during pregnancy, which will enable you to educate and support your female participants as they embark on this amazing journey.

This is a 2 hour lecture.
Equipment needs: Data projector, screen
Audience: Personal Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors


Post Natal Fitness

Having a new baby is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. But it’s also one of the most stressful. You’re emotional, tired, feeling incompetent, irritable, hormonal, starved for adult interaction, stressed from the numerous responsibilities and experiencing emotional highs and lows. And on top of all this, you hate the way your body looks! Personal Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors are approached every day by new moms to help them achieve their pre-pregnancy physique so it’s a good idea to be well-versed in this area. This seminar will provide you with a thorough understanding of the changes the body undergoes after giving birth, the modifications that need to be made as a new mom eases into her exercise program and you’ll walk away with a summary of the Dos and Don’ts for postpartum clients and a number of tools to actually inspire your clients to stick to their program.

This is a 2 hour lecture.
Equipment needs: Data projector, screen
Audience: Personal Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors


Fit Over Forty

Do your clients complain that the instant they turned 40, their body changed? Come to this engaging session to shed some light on the variables that influence an individual as they age and what we can do in our program design to help reverse or manage many of these changes better.

This is a 2 hour lecture.
Equipment needs: Data projector, screen
Audience: Personal Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors


Go For Fit – The Winning Way to Fat Loss

Many trainers are still confused about which programs provide optimal fat burning for their clients. This workshop will clear up the confusion. Energy systems, training adaptations to exercise, most effective programming for the utilization of fat and the balance between the psychology and physiology of fat loss will all be addressed. Tools will be provided to help design programs to maximize fat reduction for clients.

This is a 3 hour lecture but can be modified to a 2 hour lecture.
Equipment needs: Data projector and Screen, flip-chart & paper, and markers
Audience: Personal Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors



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