We Are Doing a Happy Dance!

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Here in Washington State all fitness facilities were forced to close when our COVID numbers increased. We worked diligently with the Washington Fitness Alliance to explain why we should remain open. In the end….we were able to reopen on January 11th!

To celebrate and as a way to catch the attention of our clients (and potential new clients) we put together this Happy Dance Video and spread it all over social media and sent it out in our weekly eNewsletter.

I also recorded a video explaining all of our reopening details….AND emailed our clients a summary of the updates we have implemented.

We have all had to stay on our toes over the last year. Fitness facilities have had to be creative and have had to adapt quickly to all of the restrictions and closing. I have found that transparency, regular communication and creativity have been more important than ever! I wanted to share the updates we have made. What are you doing to keep clients safe and coming through your doors/doing sessions online?

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Here is a summary of some of the updates:

We are only able to have a limited number of clients in the studio at one time so get scheduled to reserve your space asap. We will be focusing on private training, by appointment only in the studio so we can control access, flow and sanitation.

We will continue to do the majority of our group classes virtually or outdoors. Watch for updates to the schedule.

Session time within the studio is limited to one hour maximum.

We have already upgraded our HVAC system and just recently had our ducts completely cleaned to maximize air turnover and air quality. You will also notice that we will keep doors throughout the facility open to maximize airflow and to minimize points of contact for clients.

Please sanitize your hands when you first enter the studio with the non-touch sanitization station right when you walk in. Please sanitize again as you leave.

When you arrive, please wait for a CSR to perform a temperature check. All staff perform a health and temperature check before each shift also.

The mandates now require Face coverings at all times. You can remove your mask to get a sip of water or if you need a moment to catch your breath, but please let your trainer know so we can assure safe distancing. We will also provide more breaks as needed and please communicate with us whether the intensity needs to be decreased (or increased). If you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a face mask during exercise, you can wear a face shield. We have been instructed by the Governor’s office that a face shield is better than nothing. We do have face shields for sale at the studio. We know that working out with masks can be tough, but there are some benefits. Elite level athletes often purposely wear masks to condition their respiratory muscles. It will be harder at first but your body will get conditioned and you will be able to tolerate them better over time. Here’s a link for effective face masks for working out.

We have created barriers between cardio equipment.

You can use the restrooms but we aren’t approved for the opening of shower facilities yet.

You can use the water fountains to fill up your water bottles but they are not for individual use at this time.

Each trainer will have a “pod” that they will remain in all day and they will see their clients in their pod. Each station has a sanitization kit containing hand sanitizer, gloves, tissues, and the recommended spray for cleaning equipment.

During your session, your trainer will maintain 6 feet of distance as much as possible. They will also be wearing a mask at all times.

During the last 5 minutes of the session, your trainer will be cleaning equipment to ensure the next person coming in will have sanitized equipment to use. Please be patient with your trainer during these transitions. You are welcome to stay on your mat and stretch while they are doing this.

Yours in health, fitness & business,
Sherri McMillan

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