Do You QR?

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Have you seen QR codes like this all over the place?  You might know what they are and you might know what they do, but did you know that they are super easy to create and can help market you business in LOTS of ways?

I am going to give you the quick and dirty way to create a very cool QR code that you can use in lots of different ways and tell you how we decided to use it.

This is one of those blog posts you don’t want to miss!


What is a QR Code?:
It is a different type of “bar” code that many companies have started including in marketing materials.

How do QR Codes Work?:
A client will download (or will already have) a free app to their smart phone that allows them to use the camera on their smart phone to scan the QR code.  The best way to get this FREE app on your smart phone is to search in your app store for QR Code Reader.  Once your client scans the QR code with her smart phone she will automatically be sent to whatever website you have linked to this QR code.

How to create your own QR code:
We use this really cool website that is SUPER easy.  Just paste the website you would like your QR code to link to and click “download QR code.”

What link should I connect my QR code to?
There are lots of different thoughts on this, but the best ideas might be to connect it to something that your audience would like to have.  We have created a way for folks to get a free downloadable gift when they like us on facebook.  We went ahead and used that free gift link and connected it to our QR code.  Now anytime we create marketing materials or are at a conference we can have our QR code listed and next to it we say: “Scan here to like us on facebook and get FREE Instant Access to Sherri’s “Making Money with Small Group Training” Webinar

Where to place your QR code?: 
Fliers, posters, anything you post at lead generating events etc.

QR codes may not be used by everyone out there, but this is a free and easy way to add one more way for people to connect with you.  Why not give it a try?

BONUS INFO: Want to create a “like us on facebook and get a gift” link?  Go to THIS website and create a coupon deal.  It is FREE and it is a great piece of info to include in enewsletters, blog posts and you can link it to your QR code like we did.

PS. test out the QR code on this blog post to see how we have our Northwest Fitness Education QR Code set up.

Happy Marketing!

Yours in health, fitness and business,
Sherri McMillan


Check out this new video where I give you the scoop on the importance of having a resource manual to give to clients that can be used in LOTS of ways



Fitness Results Manual



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Click Here to like us on Facebook and get FREE Instant Access to Sherri’s “Making Money with Small Group Training” Webinar



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