Personal Trainers Not Team Players?

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In the Personal Training Industry there is an extremely high job satisfaction rate. Personal Trainers love what they do. But the bad news is that many report that they don’t enjoy the relationships they have with fellow personal trainers in their club or community.  There tends to be a sense of competition and resentment among many trainers trying to ‘win’ the same potential clients.

At Northwest Personal Training and Fitness Education we believe very strongly in a team atmosphere. If you’re not a team player, you’re not right for our team.

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Here is a list of actions we take to ensure we foster a positive and team oriented atmosphere:

Monthly Group Meetings

Every month we schedule Team meetings that are mandatory to attend. We will provide the schedule a year in advance and personal trainers/staff are expected to block the times off in their schedule. Content at meetings include social catch-up, practical and theoretical information, customer service skills, and business development. We pay our staff will pay our staff a predetermined meeting wage and provide food.

Monthly Individual Meetings

Each month personal trainers will meet privately with their manager to ensure the lines of communication are kept open. During these meetings there will be time for social catch-up, discussions of client issues/concerns, evaluations and any individual training that is required.

Manager’s Evaluation

Since managers evaluate personal trainers so frequently during the year, personal trainers are given the opportunity (once a year) to seek revenge. Seriously, once a year, personal trainers get to evaluate their managers. They provide feedback that helps managers become better leaders and help them develop an environment that allows personal trainers to perform at their best. The form we use for these evaluations is included in our Business of Personal Training System and we usually perform these evaluations sometime between October and December.

Team Survey

Once a year, we will formally ask for our staff their opinions on a variety of topics. Just before we begin our yearly budgeting and forecasting process, we will ask them for ideas on which educational topics and group personal training programs we should host in the upcoming year, which equipment we should purchase, which marketing initiatives we should take on etc. We believe the more heads involved in the decision-making process, the better!

Building a strong team that works together and cares for each other will improve every aspect of your business…from client satisfaction, to employee retention, to higher revenues and more. Make creating a strong and supportive team a major priority and see the difference in your everyday business!

Come back next week to learn even more actions we take to build and keep a strong team!

Yours in health, fitness & business,
Sherri McMillan

Like what you see here? Want more info, more details and more forms for your business? The Business of Personal Training System is for you! I give you the exact system that I use everyday at our small 5,000 sq. foot Personal Training studio.

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