Rami Odeh

At FormWell, our revenues were at about $800,000 per year when I attended the Business of Training course and this year we’re on track to do over $1.1 million. Our average trainer tenue was at about 2 years, and now it is over 3 years since implementing many of the McMillan’s organizational systems. These changes have helped us to select and maintain the best training staff in Atlanta – we now know how to hire exceptional trainers and are able to keep them much longer! And as a result, client retention has increased from an average of about 1.9 years to now, 2.7 years! We have reaped many more times the cost of the course in terms of trainer and client retention, two of the biggest struggles in the fitness industry. Also, as an owner/operator, I am much more organized and I spend less time cleaning up mistakes and more time doing what I do best, marketing and growing the business. I have also found that I now have time to train some clients again, my true love and why I started FormWell!

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