Chuck & Shelly Gonzales

Northwest Personal Training provided us with the tools to successfully launch a personal training facility from top to bottom, but more importantly, they did so with kindness, honesty and professionalism. We feel very fortunate that we were both able to take the workshop, The Business of Personal Training, with Alex and Sherri McMillan, whom we believe operate the best studio in the nation. Their operational information which they have meticulously organized (and is provided at the workshop) is priceless, has alleviated countless headaches and migraines and has taken the guess-work out of our plan. We truly could not have successfully started the planning and implementation process of our own facility without the insight of Alex and Sherri McMillan & the assistance from their valuable staff. The coaching, guidance and information we received at the workshop is twenty years of success all rolled meticulously into a phenomenal operations manual that the McMillans put together. These practices within the manual are an innovative and creative approach that we believe has already saved us thousands of dollars in planning, training and policy writing. The biggest benefit we received from the workshop was an analysis of the financial numbers of the business. Knowing just how much it took to build the studio, make renovations, how much had to be financed, the compensation for the trainers and the cost of equipment really put into perspective how much we would have to invest to make an appealing studio and have it operate successfully. Opening a business takes an extremely large amount of time and effort. Sure you have the business plan to write if you plan on going to a bank to finance your dream, but then there are the day to day operations that so many people overlook. Things like: telephone answering service, human resources, employee competency testing, etc. All of this is covered in the Business of Personal Training course and what you get is 100 times more than what you pay for. We could not imagine attempting to open our studio without taking The Business of Personal Training with Alex and Sherri. There is a reason that they were awarded International Directors of the Year by IDEA! If anyone is interested in getting into a fast growing business and doing it the correct and professional way, trust us, this workshop is for you. I don’t care if your Donald Trump or Phil Kaplan, when you walk away with the materials and tools from Alex and Sherri McMillan, you will be successful in The Business of Personal Training.

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