Questions About Anti-Obesity Drugs?

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Do your clients have questions about anti-obesity drugs? We are getting more and more questions on this topic here at Northwest Personal Training.

We know that strength training, exercise and nutrition play a critical role in having a successful outcome while taking anti-obesity drugs. On September 26th at 6:45PM we will host a free live workshop on our Facebook page. We will be discussing some of the causes of the obesity epidemic, some of the pros and cons of the popular drugs currently used for obesity, and some ways to use nutrition and exercise to create a balanced lifestyle with and without the anti-obesity drugs. 

Hosting a free live workshop is a way to get attendance when you are discussing a sensitive topic. Anti-obesity drugs are a hot button topic right now, so try hosting a workshop to discuss the pros and cons. Help your clients stay informed!


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My Recent Blog Post on the Pros & Cons of Anti-Obesity Drugs

More than two-thirds of adults are considered overweight or obese causing significant health concerns and a dramatic strain on our healthcare system. Until recently, the efforts to treat obesity in an effective manner have failed. With the development of anti-obesity drugs such as Ozempic, there has been a significant step in addressing the obesity epidemic. These medications have shown effectiveness in helping people lose weight by suppressing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness. However, like any medical intervention, anti-obesity drugs come with pros and cons.


Effective Weight Loss

Anti-obesity medications can significantly enhance weight loss for individuals who struggle to shed pounds through diet and exercise alone. Clinical trials have demonstrated that some patients lose up to 15-20% of their body weight, which can be life-changing for those facing obesity-related health conditions. These results are similar to more invasive interventions such as surgery with much lower risks. 

Health Improvements

Weight loss from these drugs often leads to improvements in conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. Patients can often reduce or eliminate the need for other medications as a result. Some patients also report that they also lose the desire to drink alcohol and/or participate in gambling which can provide additional unexpected benefits. 

Reduced Health Risks

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, certain cancers, and joint aches and pains. Anti-obesity drugs can reduce these risks by helping individuals maintain a healthier weight.

Improved Confidence and Self-esteem

For individuals who have failed with weight loss their entire lives, these medications provide an opportunity to feel success ultimately improving their confidence and self esteem. This may lead them to adopt other health-promoting behaviors. It may cause an individual to join a gym or try a new activity, whereas, prior to the medication they may have felt intimidated and too self-conscious. Weight loss due to medication may be the catalyst to jump start a domino effect of other health behaviors. 

Reduced Health Care Costs

Obesity imposes a significant economic burden on the U.S. healthcare system and society as a whole. It is estimated that obesity costs the USA over $200 billion dollars per year to treat obesity related health risks such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 


Side Effects

Common side effects of anti-obesity drugs include nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting, though these can be managed for many patients. There is also a concern about potential long-term risks, although more research is needed.


Many anti-obesity medications are expensive and not always covered by insurance. The cost can be prohibitive for individuals without adequate health coverage.

Muscle Loss

When an individual loses a significant amount of body weight due to medications, they will typically experience a significant loss in muscle, which can be detrimental to overall health. 

Not a Cure

These medications are most effective for overall health when combined with lifestyle changes. Without adopting healthy nutrition and regular exercise, many people regain the weight once they stop the drug. It’s important to address which lifestyle behaviors may have contributed to the weight struggle. Relying solely on medication without addressing underlying habits can limit the long-term success and sustainability of weight loss. 

The Role of Exercise in Weight Management

While anti-obesity drugs can jumpstart weight loss, exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining it and enhancing overall health. Physical activity improves heart health, metabolic function, builds muscle mass, enhances sleep, and boosts mood and mental health.

Exercise, specifically strength training, also helps prevent the loss of muscle which can occur with rapid weight loss due to medications. Additionally, regular physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, increases insulin sensitivity, and reduces stress, depression, and anxiety.

Incorporating exercise into an anti-obesity drug regimen can enhance weight loss results and provide a holistic approach to long-term health and weight maintenance. Combining the benefits of both can offer individuals the best chance for success in managing obesity.

Yours in health, fitness and business
Sherri McMillan

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