Host a Study? Get New Clients

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I recently blogged about the benefits of hosting a study. Hopefully you have decided to run a study at your fitness business this fall.

Some of our current Senior Study participants are finishing up their time within the study and it is time to start working with them on a regular basis. So, how do you ensure that your study participants become regular clients?

Conducting Successful Study Exit Consultations

1 – Complete a Full Assessment

This should included all assessments you need complete for the study and the assessment you would normally conduct during an initial consultation. Doing this will give you an opportunity to address any additional concerns you and the study participant might have and will help you explain why it is important for them to start working with you regularly.

2 – Ask for Feedback

Try asking for the participants feedback on the study. This shows your client that their thoughts really do matter and that you care about their experience at your facility.

“So, Judy we are almost done with our consultation, and I wanted to ask you how you liked the study experience. Is there any feedback you have negative or positive that you would like to share?”

Then try….

 “Thank you for your candor Judy, I am always looking to improve my services as a trainer. Do you have any feedback for me or our sessions? Was there anything you wished to see more or less of? Or exercises/topics that you would have liked to have gone over that we might not have gotten to?”

3 – Re-evaluate Their Current Program

Discuss the current program you have the participant doing to ensure it is working for them. You can also talk about activities that they would like to explore, or other goals that they might want to work towards. Maybe things that they didn’t think they could do before working with you. Remind them that they can achieve their goals if they work with you.

4 – Take Your Time

The final sales portion is the most important part of the Study Exit Consultation, so take your time to explain the different options that you have specifically chosen for them. Use evidence from the consultation and study to remind them how much progress they have made with you and how much more you could do together. Finally, close the sale and start helping your new client reach their fitness goals!

Remember, your study exit consultation should be a fact finding mission. You want to gather as much information as you can so that you can offer a personalized program that is too good to refuse. 

Have participants that didn’t finish the study? Follow up with them too! They were interested at one point, they might just need a little encouragement.

Let us know how your studies are going!

Yours in health, fitness & business,
Sherri McMillan

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